Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Lugano, Ελβετία
4 Years
Πλήρης απασχόληση
Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων
Aug 2025
CHF 52.751 / per year *
Στην Πανεπιστημιούπολη
* annual tuition fee for international students per year | Swiss/EU/EEA: CHF 27,550 per year | US citizens / permanent residents and Canadian citizens: $48,500 per year
Delve into One of the Oldest Academic Disciplines
From Aristotle and Plato to Machiavelli and Aquinas to modern analysts and statesmen, political scientists have been concerned with issues of power, governance, public policy, social behavior, and interactions among nation-states, among many others.
Διδακτέα ύλη
Τα μαθήματα που απαιτούνται για αυτό το μάθημα περιλαμβάνουν όλους τους κύριους υπο κλάδους αυτού του κλάδου: Πολιτική Θεωρία, Συγκριτική Πολιτική, Διεθνείς Σχέσεις, Πολιτική Οικονομία, καθώς και Μεθοδολογίες Έρευνας. Τα διεπιστημονικά μαθήματα επιλογής ενθαρρύνουν τους μαθητές να δουν τα πολιτικά ζητήματα από την οπτική γωνία άλλων κλάδων.
Σε σύγκριση με την πιο εφαρμοσμένη κατεύθυνση στις Διεθνείς Σχέσεις, η κύρια στις Πολιτικές Επιστήμες είναι πιο ανθρωπιστική και πειθαρχική. Αυτό το τμήμα παρέχει εξαιρετική προετοιμασία για μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές και σταδιοδρομία σε τομείς όπως το δίκαιο, η δημοσιογραφία, η συμβουλευτική, η αναπτυξιακή βοήθεια ή η εκπαίδευση.
Foundation Courses (12 Credits)
- POL 100 Introduction to Political Science
- POL 101 Introduction to International Relations
- HIS 100 Western Civilization I: Ancient and Medieval
- HIS 101 Western Civilization II: Modern Or
- HIS 104 Παγκόσμια Ιστορία I: Παραδόσεις, Συναντήσεις και Προσαρμογή από τη Λίθινη Εποχή στον 16ο αιώνα
- HIS 105 Global History II: Globalization, the Emergence of the Modern State, and Coping with Change
Required Courses (9 Credits)
- POL 300 Comparative Politics
- POL 301 Theories of International Relations
- ΠΟΛ 302 Πολιτική Φιλοσοφία
- ΠΟΛ 303 Βασικές Έννοιες στην Πολιτική Οικονομία
Capstone Requirement (6 Credits)
- POL 497 Readings and Methods in Political Science and International Relations
- POL 499 Senior Thesis
Departmental Electives (12 Credits)
Four of the following:
- Any POL 200-level course (POL 2XX)
- Any POL 300-level course (POL 3XX)
- SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
Interdisciplinary Electives (6 Credits)
Two of the following:
- AHT 218T Harbor Cities: Architecture, Vision, and Experience
- AHT 230T Art, Politics, Landscape: Ireland
- BUS 410 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
- CLCS 200 Gender and Sexuality in a Global Context
- CLCS 243 The Cultural Politics of Sports
- CLCS 350 Culture and Human Rights
- CLCS 360 Critical Race Studies in a Global Context
- CLCS 371 Law and Culture
- COM 310 Issues in Journalism
- ECN 303 Development Economics
- ENV 200 Understanding Environmental Issues
- Any HIS course at 200-level or above (HIS XXX)
- PSY 201 Social Psychology
- PSY 310 Organizational Psychology
Εκθεσιακός χώρος
Δίδακτρα προγράμματος
Υποτροφίες και Χρηματοδότηση
Franklin University Switzerland offers merit scholarships to admitted students based on academic achievements in high school and/or transferable undergraduate work. All undergraduate applicants are considered for merit awards as part of the admissions process, which are awarded at the point of admission with priority given to students applying by the December 1 deadline. Additional need-based scholarships may be awarded on top of merit scholarships, depending on a student’s need. Merit scholarships are renewable for up to four years or eight semesters.
Undergraduate Special Awards
Our competitive scholarship programs offer the most promising students the financial support they need to pursue their studies. These scholarship opportunities are awarded during the enrollment process for incoming students.
At FUS, we are committed to ensuring that talented students are able to access the best educational opportunities so that they can reach their full potential and make a positive impact at Franklin and beyond their studies. We offer generous scholarships and awards to make sure the most promising and motivated young minds are able to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on society.
The scholarship opportunities listed below are cumulative with other types of financial aid, and would be renewed annually to student recipients provided GPA requirements and other applicable conditions per scholarship type are maintained.
- SUNY-FUS 2 + 2 Jacques Villaret International Education Award for SUNY Community College Students
- Franklin Honors Program Award
- The Ambassador Wilfried Geens Award
- The Brian Stanford Award in Creative Practices
- The Ann Gardiner Award in Sustainability
- Life-Long Learning Scholarship